SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм


SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм:

  • одноволоконный модуль;
  • SFP WDM GPON, Down/Upstream: 2.5G/1.25G;
  • разъем SC;
  • рабочая длина волны Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм;
  • дальность до 20км (35dB).

Цена: 6179 ₽ с НДС

SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм 2.5/1.25 гигабитный WDM модуль с форм-фактором SFP. Предназначен для работы в GPON OLT, class C+.

Все модули SFP SNR

Применение SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+

  • GPON OLT Side;
  • Сети доступа;
  • Волокно в дом, до вынесенного строения, в офис (FTTx).

Особенности SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+

  • Форм-фактор SFP с разъемом SC;
  • 1.244Gbps, 1310nm BM APD Receiver;
  • 2.488Gbps, 1490nm Transmitter With Isolator;
  • Рабочая температура Стандартное исполнение: 0 ~+70°С, Промышленное исполнение: -40 ~+85°С;
  • Соответствует требованиям спецификации SFP MSA.

Внешний вид SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+

Рисунок 1. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм - внешний вид
Рисунок 1. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм – внешний вид

Механические характеристики SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+

Рисунок 2. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм - габаритные размеры
Рисунок 2. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм – габаритные размеры

Один из вариантов применения

Рисунок 3. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм - вариант применения трансивера
Рисунок 3. SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм – вариант применения трансивера

Вы можете купить SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ модуль SFP WDM GPON дальность до 20км (35dB) Tx/Rx: 1490/1310нм в интернет-магазине Cyber Networks официального дилера SNR по выгодной цене с доставкой по РФ.

Артикул: SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ Категория: Метка:

Страна производитель




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Тип модуля GPON&GEPON
Скорость модуля 2,5Gbps
Тип оптического волокна SMF
Длина волны Tx, нм 1490
Длина волны Rx, нм 1310
Оптический бюджет, дБ 35
Мощность излучения, дБм от 3 до 7
Чувствительность приемника, дБм -32
Максимально допустимый уровень, дБм -12
Форм-фактор модуля Модули SFP
Тип коннектора модуля SC
Максимальное расстояние, км 20
Расстояние передачи (диапазон), км 10-20

Regulatory Compliance

Feature Standard Performance
Electrostatic Discharge

(ESD) to the

Electrical Pins

MIL-STD-883G Method 3015.7 Class 1C (>1000 V)
Electrostatic Discharge to the enclosure EN 55024:1998+A1+A2



Compatible with standards
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) FCC Part 15 Class B EN55022:2006

CISPR 22B :2006

VCCI Class B

Compatible with standards

Noise frequency range: 30

MHz to 6 GHz. Good system EMI design practice required to achieve Class B margins. System margins are dependent on customer host board and chassis design.

Immunity EN 55024:1998+A1+A2 IEC 61000-4-3 Compatible with standards. 1kHz sine-wave, 80% AM, from 80 MHz to 1 GHz. No effect on transmitter/receiver performance is detectable between these limits.
Laser Eye Safety FDA 21CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 EN (IEC) 60825-1:2007

EN (IEC) 60825-2:2004+A1

CDRH compliant and Class I laser product.

TьV Certificate No. 50135086

Component Recognition UL and CUL EN60950-1:2006 UL file E317337

TьV Certificate No. 50135086 (CB scheme )

RoHS6 2002/95/EC 4.1&4.2

2005/747/EC 5&7&13

Compliant with standards*note2

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Storage Temperature TS -40 +85 °C
Supply Voltage VCC 0 4.0 V
Operating Relative Humidity 5 95 %
Wave Soldering Conditions Temp/Time 400/5 °C/s, soldering by iron.
260/10 °C/s, wave soldering.

*Exceeding any one of these values may destroy the device permanently.

Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter Symbol Min. Typical Max. Unit
Power Supply Voltage VCC 3.13 3.3 3.47 V
Power Supply Current ICC 300 mA
Operating Temperature,


To 0 +70 °C
Supply Voltage VCC 0 4.0 V
Relative Humidity RH 5 95 %
Date Rate Upstream/Downstream 1.244/2.488 Gbps

Performance Specifications – Electrical

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max Unit Notes
LVPECL Compatible


Vin 200 1600 mVpp AC coupled internally
Power Supply Current ICC_Tx 200 mA
Input Impedance


Zin 90 100 110 ohms Rin > 100

kohms @ DC

Tx Disable 2 Vcc V
Tx Enable 0 0.8
Tx Fault_High 2.4 Vcc V
Tx Fault_Normal 0 0.4
LVPECL Outputs


Vout 400 1600 mVpp DC coupled outputs
Power Supply Current ICC_Rx 150 mA
Rx_SD Normal 2 Vcc V
SD 0 0.8 V
Signal Detected Response Time Tsd 6.4 ns

Performance Specifications – Optical

Parameter Symbol Min. Typical Max. Unit
Date Rate (Upstream/Downstream) 1.244/2.488 Gbps
Centre Wavelength λC 1480 1490 1500 nm
Spectral Width (-20dB) Δλ 1 nm
Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 30 dB
Average Output Power*(note3) Pout 3 7 dBm
Extinction Ratio*(note4) ER 10 dB
Tolerance to Tx back reflection -15 dB
Rise/Fall Time(20%~80%)*(note4)(note5) tr/tf 160 ps
Output Optical Eye*(note4)(note6) ITU-T G.984.2 Compliant
Optical Output Power with TX OFF P_off -40 dBm
Centre Wavelength λc 1260 1310 1360 nm
Receiver Sensitivity*(note7) Pmin -32 dBm
Receiver Overload*(note7) Pmax -8 dBm
Receiver Burst-Mode Dynamic Range*(note8) 15 20 dB
Receiver Reflectance CR -20 dB
Signal Detect Assert Level SDA -33 dBm
Receiver CID Tolerance CID 72 bits
Damage Threshold for Receiver Pin,


3 dBm
Maximum Receiver Reflectance Rx_r -20 dB

EEPROM Serial ID Memory Contents (2-Wire Address A0h)

The following diagnostic information is according to the SNR-SFP-W43-GPON-C+ Series.

Address Name of Field Hex Description
Base ID Fields
00 Identifier 03 SFP physical device (soldered device)
01 Ext. Identifier 04 Serial ID module supported
02 Connector 01 SC
03-10 Transceiver Codes 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ext Calibration, Average Power Measurement
11 Encoding 03 NRZ
12 BR, Nominal 19 Nominal 2.488Gbps

(indicate transmitter data rate)

13 Reserved 00
14 Length (9um)-km XX
15 Length (9um)-100m XX
16-18 Length for MMF 00 Undefined for GPON
19 Reserved 00
20-35 Vendor Name SNR (ASC )Ⅱ
36 Channel Spacing 00
37~39 Vendor OUI 00 00 00
40-55 Vendor P/N XX XX XX XX XX



56-59 Vendor P/N Rev. XX XX XX 20 31 2E 30 20 means 1.0 revision.
60-61 Laser Wavelength 05 D2 1490nm in Hex byte
62 DWDM Wavelength


00 Undefined
63 CC_BASE XX Check sum of byte 0-62
Extended ID Fields
64-65 Options 00 1C TX_Fault, TX_Dis, Signal Detect are implemented
66 BR, Max. 00
67 BR, Min. 00
68-83 Vendor SN XX XX XX XX XX



Vendor serial number in ASCII
84-91 Date Code XX XX XX XX XX XX 20 20 Vendor date code in ASCII (Year Month Date)
92 Diagnostic Monitoring Type 58 Implemented with external calibration and received power measurement

type by Avg. power

93 Enhanced options E0 Alarm/Warning flags, soft TX_DIS, TX_FAULT if SP implemented.
94 SFF-8472 compliant 02 SFP-8472 compliant with revision 9.5
95 CC_EXT XX Check sum of bytes 64-94
Vendor Specific ID Fields
96-127 Vendor Specific 00 Vendor specific EEPROM
128-256 Reserved 00 Reserved for future use

*The “XX” byte should be filled in according to practical case. For more information, please refer to the related document of SFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA).

SFP Pin Function Definitions

Below figure shows the pin information of electrical interface and mounting studs. Functions are described in the following table.

Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 Veet Tx Ground
2 Tx Fault Tx Fault Alarm. LVTTL Output Active High
3 Tx DIS Tx Disable. LVTTL input. Laser output is disabled when this pin is asserted high or left unconnected. Laser output is enabled when this pin is asserted low.
4 MOD_DEF(2) 2-Wire Serial Data I/O Pin.
5 MOD_DEF(1) 2-Wire Serial Clock Input.
6 MOD_DEF(0) Internally Grounded
7 Reset CMOS input. Assert “Reset” high at the end of previous burst, 2 bytes in duration
8 BRST_Det LVTTL output. BRST_Det assert low when module receives “reset” signal, assert high when incoming burst is present.
9 RSSI_ACQ RSSI acquire/hold LVTTL Input. Digital RSSI output through I2C
10 Veer Rx Ground
11 Veer Rx Ground
12 RXD- Negative Data Output, LVPECL; DC coupled
13 RXD+ Positive Data Output, LVPECL; DC coupled
14 Veer Rx Ground
15 Vcc_RX Rx Vcc
16 Vcc_TX Tx Vcc
17 Veet Tx Ground
18 TXD+ Positive Data Input, LVPECL or CML (AC coupled; internally 100 ohms differential termination)
19 TXD Negative Data Input, LVPECLor CML (AC coupled; internally 100 ohms differential termination)
20 Veet Tx Ground
F Mounting Studs

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